Started as our primary sculptor. Her focus has shifted to support work like mold making.
She's writing her debut novel and working full-time to support the dream.

The primary painter and potter. She also sculpts some of the masters.
Loves: Mashed potatoes, cats, fantasy fiction, and uncanny and/or unsetting artwork.
Hates: That feeling when you get superglue on your fingers.

Manager & Mascot.
Heir to our Estate.
Loves: Food of any kind, sitting on people's faces, staring disapprovingly.
Hates: Nail trims.

Photography Assistant & Product Manager.
Loves: Screaming, communal grooming, air-kneading.
Hates: Bathtime.

Photography Assistant & Customer Service Representative.
Loves: Eating things she shouldn't, paranormal bug hunting, cuddling.
Hates: Food-hogs

Sigh's Wife.
She keeps him young.
Loves: Sigh, quail eggs, biting people,
Princess Tutu.
Hates: Being squeezed even a little bit.

aka LB.
Studio Supervisor
Loves: Being picked up, being pet,
being where the people are.
Hates: Lonely Catio Time.